Crisis Intervention In Carroll County
Real Help, Right Now.

When you or someone you love is experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis, you can get immediate support. The Santé Carroll County Mobile Crisis Team (MCT) is a Behavioral Health (BH) Unit that serves anyone in Carroll County and partners with Law Enforcement as needed. The MCT/BH is committed to making Carroll County "better than it was yesterday, one day at a time".

Our Mobile Crisis Team includes a Licensed Mental Health Professional and a Certified Peer Recovery Specialist with lived experience to walk with you and ensure you have the support you need through providing personal safety and a treatment or crisis plan. We support children, adolescents, adults, and families experiencing behavioral health emergencies. We also provide harm reduction interventions, overdose support, assessment, and referral to treatment for those requesting assistance with substance use concerns. Our team provides follow-up to ensure a warm hand-off to the resources or service providers who will help you get back on track to a healthy life, one day at a time.

Crisis is very personal. The Santé Group MCT is dedicated to helping every person in Carroll County when they need it most.


"I am just amazed at how you stayed with me late at night and supported me on the worst day of my life...I really appreciate all of the resources and support you all provided me. This service is wonderful and I am so thankful that the county sent you out to talk with me.”

"I really want to thank all of you - you all were so great. It’s one thing to have friends and family but to have that external support was profound. I owe you all a real debt. I’ve experienced depression before but never in my life have I felt like my mind snapped. You kept me grounded...I can’t thank you enough.”

"I felt really brushed off at the hospital. It was hard for me to ask for help because I’m usually the one who helps everyone else. I always just push myself to keep going. I was crying when I heard you on the phone with the therapists, because I couldn’t believe that there were people like you that would work that hard to get me an appointment.

It made me see that people are watching over me and that it’s going to be okay.”

“Before I talked to [you all] this morn, I had decided to kill myself. But I got hope from talking to the lady on the phone and then the ladies that came to my living room. They shared real life situations, I felt better than in 7 months…

They discussed it with me about what I should do and helped give me different thoughts and different plan. I felt they really wanted to know me and did not treat me like another crazy lady. I feel hope and like I was heard.”

Real Help, Right Now.
CALL 410-952-9552

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Carroll County Crisis Response Helpline:


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In Partnership With:

Carroll County Health Department   Carroll County Sheriff’s Department