Community Agencies & Local Governments

Partner with a Pioneering Provider

Originally developed as a way to broaden the services provided by our sister organization, the Rock Creek Foundation, The Santé Group has become a leader in providing behavioral health and emergency response services to a diverse client base.

Our services are generally delivered in conjunction with other public entities, such as public health departments, mental health agencies, and law enforcement. For example,

  • Our police-based mobile crisis teams pair a licensed clinician with a law-enforcement officer, who work together to respond to crisis calls and provide clinical support, while our crisis intervention team coordinators help guide interactions between police officers and those who are suffering from mental illness.
  • Our hospital and jail diversion programs, a collaboration between local providers, are designed to help people with mental illness and addiction disorders find options, services, or resources beyond the ER and a holding cell.
  • And once our mobile crisis teams have assisted in stabilizing an acute crisis, our in-home intervention services offer licensed clinicians to help individuals develop crisis stabilization and prevention skills, as well as linkage to community resources to reduce recurrence of crisis episodes.

We are generally retained to provide services for agency partners through a rigorous competitive bidding process.

Our vision is that everyone who needs crisis and behavioral health support is able to get the services they need, when they need them, where they need them, so that they may heal, recover, and thrive.

Become a part of this important mission -- partner with us today.

Please note: This site is not monitored for responses to crisis or emergency communications left on the site. If this is a life-threatening emergency call 911. For an immediate response in the following counties, call our crisis hotlines in Baltimore County (410-931-2214), Carroll County (410-952-9552), or the Eastern Shore (888-407-8018), as well as Mecklenburg County NC (704-566-3410, option 1). For crisis response in Montgomery County and Prince George’s County, please call 988.
